BTU Career Center Career Center registration portal

Application and Career Counseling

The consultations take place in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency. The advisors are specially trained to advise and place students and graduates. The counselors are exempt from all documentation and reporting obligations for counseling sessions at BTU.

You can discuss the following topics during the consultation

  • Application portfolio check (please send your CV and cover letter to Mr. Elfert in advance by e-mail and bring them with you to the consultation appointment)
  • Application strategies & preparation for an interview/assessment center/job fair
  • Joint development of your potential, skills and strengths
  • Formulation of your realistic (career) goals and the resulting action steps
  • Doubts about your studies/course of study? Discussion of possible prospects
  • Advice on potential employers in Lusatia
  • Overview of the job market and its development

If the consultation needs to be conducted in English, please register at least one week before the consultation date.